Article 1. (Scope of Application)

The Terms and Conditions shall govern any accommodation agreements or any other related contracts entered into between the hotel and the guest (including guests using rooms for conferences/teleworking within the day, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter), and any particulars not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices.

Article 2. (Application for Accommodation Contracts/Agreements)

A Guest who intends to make an application for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars.

  • Name of the Guest(s);
  • Date of accommodation /the date of stay and estimated time of arrival;
  • Telephone number; and email
  • Accommodation fees
  • A National ID for nationals and passports for non- Nationals
  • Other information the hotel deems necessary

In the event that a guest requests to extend their stay beyond the date listed in(2)of the preceding paragraph, an application for a new accommodation agreement is deemed to have been made at the time the request was made.

Article 3. (Conclusion of Accommodation Contracts/Agreements, etc.)

A contract for Accommodation shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel has duly accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding Article. However, the same not apply where it has been proved that the Hotel has not accepted the application.

  • When a Contract for Accommodation has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest shall pay an accommodation deposit fixed by the Hotel by the date specified by the Hotel.
  • The deposit shall be first used for the Total Accommodation Charges/ room charges ultimately payable by the Guest, then allocated for the cancellation charges, fines and compensation for damages in the event of any and the remainder, if any, shall be refunded at the time of the payment of the Accommodation
  • When the Guest has failed to pay the deposit by the date as stipulated in Paragraph 2, the Hotel shall treat the Accommodation Contract as invalid. However, the same shall apply only in the case where the Guest is thus informed by the Hotel when the period of payment of the deposit is specified.

Article 4. (Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit)

Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no accommodation deposit after the Contract has been concluded as stipulated in the same Paragraph.

In the case when the Hotel has not requested the payment of the deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and/or has not specified the date of the payment of the deposit at the time the application for an Accommodation Contract has been accepted, it shall be treated as that the Hotel has accepted a special contract prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 5. (the Hotel’s right to refuse the Accommodation Contracts)

The Hotel may not accept the conclusion of an Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases:

  • When the potential guest does not conform/comply with these Terms and Conditions or with cancellation and payment policies when making the reservation;
  • When the Hotel is fully booked and no room is available;
  • When the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct himself in a manner that will contravene the laws or act against the public order or good morals in regard to his accommodation;
  • When the Guest seeking accommodation can be clearly detected as carrying an infectious disease;
  • When the Hotel is requested to assume an unreasonable burden in regard to his accommodation;
  • When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, dysfunctions of the facilities and/or other unavoidable causes;
  • The accommodators who is supposed to stay in the hotel puts forward unreasonable complaints and demands, he/she is deemed to be in danger of disturbing the stable order of the hotel.
  • When the potential guest is intoxicated, exhibits or has exhibited extremely abnormal behavior that may pose a nuisance to other guests, or in cases that fall under the provisions of prefectural ordinances
  • When the potential guest is extremely unsanitary or is wearing extremely dirty clothes that may cause a nuisance to other
  • When the potential guest uses violence, threats, blackmail, or intimidation to make unjust or unreasonable demands against the hotel or its employees
  • When the potential guest’s behavior poses a significant nuisance to other guests at the Hotel
  • When a person requesting Hotel accommodations, is obviously intoxicated and could cause annoyance to other guests or when a person is behaving in such a manner as to be an annoyance to other guests.
  • When a person who intends to stay is clearly deemed to have no payment capacity.

Article 6. (The Guest’s Right to Terminate the Accommodation Agreement)

  • Guests may request that the hotel to terminate the accommodation agreement.
  • If the guest does not arrive by 10 pm or two hours after a scheduled arrival time arranged in advance on the day of their stay without contacting the hotel, the accommodation agreement may be deemed to have been terminated by the

Article 7. (Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts/Agreement by the Hotel)

The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract/Agreement under any of the following cases:

  • When the Guest is deemed liable to conduct and/or have conducted himself in a manner that will contravene the laws or act against the public order and good morals in regard to his accommodation;
  • When the guest’s behavior poses a significant nuisance to other guests.
  • When the guest is a patient of a specified infectious
  • When the guest uses violence, threats, blackmail, or intimidation to make unjust or unreasonable demands against the hotel or its employees
  • When the Guest does not observe prohibited actions such as smoking in rooms, playing music, taking pictures /videos involving of other guests away from the designated areas, mischief to the firefighting facilities and other prohibitions stipulated by the Hotel.
  • When the guest is intoxicated, exhibits or has exhibited extremely abnormal behavior that may pose a nuisance to other guests.
  • When the Hotel is requested to assume an unreasonable burden in regard to his accommodation;
  • When a guest cannot be accommodated due to force majeure such as natural calamities and/or other causes of force majeure;
  • When guests are deemed to be disturbing the peaceful order in the hotel, for example, and complaining without reasonable cause in the hotel.

Article 8. (Guest Registration)

The Guest shall register the following particulars at the front desk of the Hotel on the day of their arrival/stay;

  • Name, age, gender, address and telephone
  • National ID for Ugandan
  • International guests who do not have an address in Uganda are required to present a scan or copy of their passport and register their nationality, passport number, in addition to the information listed above.
  • Departure date and planned departure
  • Other particulars deemed necessary by the

In the case when the Guest intends to pay his Accommodation Charges prescribed in Article 12 by any means other than UGX / USD currency, such as traveler’s check, coupons or credit cards, these credentials shall be shown in advance at the time of the registration prescribed in the preceding Paragraph. No foreign currency coins or notes with markings, stains or damages of any kind will be accepted.

Article 9. (Occupancy Hours of Guest Rooms)

  • The Guest is entitled to occupy the contracted guest room of the Hotel from 3:00 m. until noon the next day at 11:00am. However, in the case when the Guest is accommodated continuously, the Guest may occupy it all day long, except for the days of arrival and departure.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the room beyond the time prescribed in the same In this case, extra charges shall be paid as follows;
  • Up to 3 m. : one fourth of the room charge.
  • Up to 6 m. : one half of the room charge.
  • More than 6 p.m. : room charge in

Article10. (Compliance with the Hotel Rules and Regulations)

The Guest shall observe/comply the Use Regulation established by the

Hotel, which are posted within the premises of the Hotel.

Article11. (Business Hours)

Hours for the front desk, cashier, and other major facilities of the hotel are as follows.

  • Closing time, of main gate to non-residents: 23:00 (for hotel residents the gate is accessible 24 hours/day).
  • Front desk: 24 hours/day.
  • Cashier: 24 hours/day.
  • Restaurants, Bars & Events Spaces: Timings may change dependent on business levels, please refer to the operational hours from

The hours in the preceding clause may be temporarily changed when doing so is necessary and unavoidable. The hotel shall take appropriate measures to notify guests of such changes.

Article12. (Payment of Accommodation Charges)

  1.  The Breakdown of the Accommodation Charges, etc. that the Guest shall pay is as listed in the Attached Table 1.2. Accommodation Charges, etc. as stated in the preceding Paragraph shall be paid with USD or with UGX currency or by any currency such as coupons or credit cards recognized by the Hotel at the front desk at the time of the departure of the Guest or upon request by the Hotel.
  2. The accommodation fee will still be charged if the guest voluntarily chooses not to stay in an available room provided by the hotel.
  3. Guests using plans that include breakfast, lunch, dinner, or other ancillary services will still be charged for such services even if they do not use them unless otherwise specified in the

Article13 Prohibited Acts

 Guests shall not engage in the following acts, either on their own or through the use of a third party.

  1. Registering or providing false information when staying at the hotel.
  2. Using fraudulent payment methods such as stolen credit cards when staying at the hotel.
  3. Mass booking followed by mass cancellation or any similar
  4. Repeatedly making and cancelling bookings without a justifiable reason, or any similar acts.
  5. Impersonating the hotel or the hotel group, or any act that could be mistaken for such.
  6. Unauthorized access of systems or computers or any similar acts.
  7. Sending or uploading harmful computer programs or any similar acts.
  8. Removal, defacing, or destroying art, furniture, fixtures or equipment within the hotel facilities, or any similar acts.
  9. Obstruction of business or damaging the reputation or brand of the hotel or hotel group by making demands that exceed socially acceptable norms, or slandering, defaming, threatening, or harassing the Hotel or its staff or posting inflammatory remarks on social networking sites, or any similar acts.
  10. Violence, threats, extortion, or other coercive and unreasonable demands against the hotel or its staff.
  11. Any acts that cause or risk causing inconvenience, damage, or disadvantage to other guests, third parties, the hotel, or the hotel group.
  12. Any acts that infringe or risk infringing on the copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights, privacy rights, personal rights, or any other rights of other guests, third parties, the hotel, or the hotel group.
  13. Acts that violate or risk violating public order or law, or any criminal acts.
  14. Displaying the power of an organized crime group or acts of aiding and abetting an organized crime group.
  15. Violation of any other provisions of these Terms and
  16. Violation of any other rules in the Hotel Rules and
  17. Any other acts deemed inappropriate by local customs or the hotel.
  • The hotel shall be entitled to claim compensation from the guest for any damages incurred as a result of the acts in the preceding

Article14. (Hotel Liability)

  • The hotel shall compensate the guest for any damages arising from failure to execute the accommodation agreement or its related agreements. However, this shall not apply when damages are caused by reasons not attributable to the hotel.
  • The responsibility to provide guests with a room on the part of the hotel starts when the guest checks in at the front desk of the hotel and ends at the checkout deadline.

Article15. (Handling when unable to Provide Contracted Rooms)

  • If the hotel is unable to provide a guestroom according to the agreement, the hotel shall, with the understanding of the guest, strive to find accommodations at another hotel with as similar conditions as possible.
  • Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the hotel is unable to find other accommodations, the hotel will pay compensation equivalent to the penalty, which will be allotted to damages. However, this compensation will not be paid when inability to provide a guestroom is for reasons not attributable to the

Article16. (Handling of Checked/Deposited Items or Articles)

  • Loss or damage to any items, cash, or valuables checked at the front desk shall be compensated by the hotel, except in cases when such loss or damage is caused by force majeure. However, if the guest fails to declare the type and amount of valuables or cash when asked to do so by the hotel, the hotel will compensate a maximum of $100.
  • Loss or damage to items, cash, or valuables not checked at the front desk shall be compensated only when such loss or damage is caused by wilful misconduct or negligence on the part of the hotel. However, if the guest has not declared the type and amount of such items in advance, the hotel will compensate a maximum of $1000, unless the damage was caused by wilful misconduct or negligence on the part of the
  • The following items cannot be checked at the front
    • Any items or cash that are valued in excess of $5,000
    • Artwork and
    • Equipment with information     recording     devices (computers, mobile phones, other IT equipment, etc.)
  • Items pertaining to personal information (client list, )
  • Dangerous goods, bulky luggage, heavy goods, fragile items, etc., and any items the hotel deems unable to be checked at the front desk.

Article17. (Storing Guest Baggage and/or Belongings of the Guest)

  • The hotel shall store guest luggage arriving before its owners only when an arrangement has been made in advance, and shall hand it to the guest during check-in.
  • In the event that luggage or personal belongings are left unattended at the hotel after the guest has checked out, the hotel will, in principle, wait for the owner to contact the hotel for further If the owner fails to provide instructions or if the owner is unknown, valuables and items containing personal information will be delivered to the nearest police station, while other items will be disposed of three (3) months from the date of discovery. The same shall apply to items not taken in by the police. Please be aware the food, drink, cigarettes, magazines, and other items detrimental to sanitation will be disposed of on the same day.
  • The hotel reserves the right to inspect the contents of any luggage or personal belongings that are left unattended to appropriately handle them.
  • Liability on the part of the hotel for guest luggage or belongings of the preceding Paragraphs shall be governed by Article 16 Paragraph 1 in the case of Paragraph 1, and by Article 16 Paragraph 2 in the case of Paragraphs 2 and 3.

Article18. (Guest Liability)

The guest shall compensate the hotel for any damages to the hotel caused by willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the guest, including but not limited to facility repair costs and lost sales opportunities.

Article19. (Waiver for Computer Communication Services)

Guests shall use computer networks at the hotel at their own risk. Service may be interrupted or terminated due to system failure or other reasons without prior The hotel shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of service interruption due to system failure or any other reason when using computer networks.

  • If the guest uses hotel computer networks in a way deemed inappropriate by the hotel that may cause or has actually caused damages, the hotel will demand that the guest cease use immediately and compensate for any damages incurred.

Article21. (Revision of General Terms and Conditions for Hotel Accommodation)

  • These Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice. Check the official website for the latest information.
  • Use of the hotel by the guest after changes to these Terms and Conditions constitutes consent to the amended agreement.
  • Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the provisions prior to the change shall apply to accommodation agreements concluded prior to the change of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 22. (Parking Liability)

The hotel consents to let guests park their vehicles in the parking space when a guest uses the hotel parking lot, regardless of whether the guest has deposited the keys with the hotel, and the hotel shall not be held liable for management of the vehicle. However, the hotel shall be liable for compensation for any damage caused by wilful misconduct or negligence in managing the parking lot.

Article 23. (Exemptions)

The hotel shall be exempt from liability when an exemption set forth in these Terms and Conditions or the Rules and Regulations applies.

Article 24. (Good Faith Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration)

The hotel and guest shall negotiate in good faith to resolve any problems arising in connection with use of the hotel that cannot be resolved under these Terms and Conditions, where negotiations fail after 45 days, the hotel and the guests shall refer the issue/conflict/claim to mediation which shall be undertaken within a period of 60days.

Where the matter is not resolved with Mediation, the issue/conflict/claim will be referred to Arbitration to be determined by a sole Arbitrator.

Article 25. (Severability)

  • Even when a portion of these Terms and Conditions or other Rules is deemed legally invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain valid.
  • Even when a portion of these Terms and Conditions or other Rules is deemed invalid or revoked in relation to a particular guest, the Terms and Conditions and other Rules shall remain valid for all other guests.

Article 26. (Governing Law and Arbitration)

  • The accommodation agreement between the hotel and the guest shall be governed by the laws of Uganda.

Article 27. (Reporting to the Authorities)

  • Should a guest’s violation of these Terms and Conditions or other Rules warrant protection of the rights, property, or services of the hotel or another guest, the hotel will notify the police and other relevant authorities or otherwise take appropriate measures.
  • Should the hotel deem that a guest’s health or life be in serious danger, the hotel may call an ambulance, regardless of the guest’s will.


Attached Table No.1

Calculation method for Accommodation Charges, etc.

(Ref. Paragraph 1 of Article 2, Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and Paragraph 1 of Article 12)



Total Amount be paid by the Guest

Accommodation Charges

(1)   Basic Accommodation Charge (Room Charge)

(2)   Service Charge

Extra Charges

(3)  Food & Drink, Spa & Other Expenses

(4)   Service Charge


(5)  Vat

(6)   Service Charge

Remarks of Attached Table No.1

Those charges are subject to charge to revisions of the Tax Laws


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Revised on 1 September 2024